Concurrency in C++: Threading and Synchronization for Robotic Systems

Concurrency in C++: Threading and Synchronization for Robotic Systems
12 minutes

Feb 25, 2024

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In the realm of robotics, the ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously is not just a luxury—it's a necessity. A robot that can process sensor data, plan movements, and control actuators all at once is far more responsive and efficient than one that must perform these tasks sequentially. This is where concurrency comes into play, and C++ provides powerful tools to implement concurrent systems effectively.

The Imperative for Concurrency in Robotics

Imagine a humanoid robot tasked with navigating a crowded room while interacting with people. It must continuously process visual data to avoid obstacles, analyze audio input for voice commands, maintain balance, and control its limbs for movement and gestures. Attempting to perform these tasks sequentially would result in a robot that appears sluggish and unnatural. Concurrency allows us to mirror the parallel processing capabilities of biological systems, creating robots that can gracefully handle multiple streams of information and tasks simultaneously.

Threading: The Foundation of Concurrency

At the heart of concurrent programming in C++ lies the concept of threading. A thread is an independent sequence of instructions that can be scheduled to run by the operating system. C++11 introduced a standardized threading library, making it easier than ever to create and manage threads.

Let's consider a basic example of how we might use threading in a robotic system:

#include <thread>
#include <vector>

void process_visual_data() {
    while (true) {
        // Process camera input

void process_audio_data() {
    while (true) {
        // Process microphone input

void control_movement() {
    while (true) {
        // Update motor controls

int main() {
    std::vector<std::thread> threads;

    for (auto& thread : threads) {

    return 0;

In this example, we've created three threads, each responsible for a different aspect of the robot's functionality. These threads will run concurrently, allowing our robot to process visual and audio data while simultaneously controlling its movements.

The Challenge of Shared Resources

While threading allows for parallel execution, it also introduces a new set of challenges, particularly when it comes to shared resources. In our robot example, what happens if both the visual processing thread and the movement control thread need to access the same sensor data simultaneously? This is where synchronization techniques come into play.

Synchronization Techniques: Ensuring Orderly Concurrency

Mutexes: The Guardians of Shared Resources

One of the most fundamental synchronization tools is the mutex (mutual exclusion). A mutex ensures that only one thread can access a shared resource at a time. Here's how we might use a mutex to protect access to shared sensor data:

#include <mutex>

std::mutex sensor_mutex;
SensorData shared_sensor_data;

void update_sensor_data() {
    while (true) {
        SensorData new_data = read_sensors();
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(sensor_mutex);
        shared_sensor_data = new_data;

void use_sensor_data() {
    while (true) {
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(sensor_mutex);

The std::lock_guard is a convenient RAII wrapper that automatically locks the mutex when created and unlocks it when destroyed, ensuring that the mutex is always properly released, even if an exception is thrown.

Condition Variables: Coordinating Thread Execution

While mutexes prevent simultaneous access to shared resources, condition variables allow threads to coordinate based on the state of data. This is particularly useful in producer-consumer scenarios, which are common in robotics. For instance, consider a system where one thread generates movement commands based on sensor data, and another thread executes these commands:

#include <condition_variable>
#include <queue>

std::mutex command_mutex;
std::condition_variable command_cv;
std::queue<Command> command_queue;

void generate_commands() {
    while (true) {
        Command cmd = analyze_environment();
            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(command_mutex);

void execute_commands() {
    while (true) {
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(command_mutex);
        command_cv.wait(lock, [] { return !command_queue.empty(); });
        Command cmd = command_queue.front();

Here, the generate_commands function produces commands and notifies the execute_commands function, which waits until a command is available before processing it.

Advanced Synchronization: Atomic Operations and Lock-Free Programming

For scenarios where the overhead of mutexes is too high, C++ provides atomic operations. These allow for simple, thread-safe operations without the need for explicit locking:

#include <atomic>

std::atomic<int> active_motors(0);

void activate_motor() {
    active_motors++;  // This increment is guaranteed to be atomic
    // Activate a motor

void deactivate_motor() {
    active_motors--;  // This decrement is guaranteed to be atomic
    // Deactivate a motor

Atomic operations can be a powerful tool for creating high-performance concurrent systems, but they require careful use to ensure correctness.

Strategies for Multi-Threading in Robotic Systems

When designing a multi-threaded robotic system, several strategies can be employed:

  1. Functional Decomposition: Divide the robot's tasks into separate functions, each running in its own thread. This is the approach we took in our initial example, with separate threads for visual processing, audio processing, and movement control.

  2. Pipeline Processing: Create a series of threads, each performing a specific step in a processing pipeline. For example, in a visual recognition system:

    void capture_images() { /* ... */ }
    void preprocess_images() { /* ... */ }
    void detect_objects() { /* ... */ }
    void classify_objects() { /* ... */ }
    int main() {
        std::thread t1(capture_images);
        std::thread t2(preprocess_images);
        std::thread t3(detect_objects);
        std::thread t4(classify_objects);
        // ...
  3. Worker Pool: Create a pool of worker threads that process tasks from a shared queue. This is particularly useful for tasks that can be parallelized, such as processing data from multiple sensors:

    void worker_thread() {
        while (true) {
            Task task = get_next_task();  // Thread-safe function to get a task
    int main() {
        std::vector<std::thread> workers;
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_WORKERS; ++i) {
        // ...

Conclusion: The Power and Responsibility of Concurrent Programming

Concurrency in C++ offers immense power for creating responsive and efficient robotic systems. By leveraging threads and synchronization mechanisms, we can create robots that gracefully handle multiple tasks and respond quickly to their environment. However, with this power comes the responsibility of careful design and implementation.

Effective use of concurrency requires a deep understanding of both the problem domain and the synchronization tools available. It's crucial to choose the right synchronization mechanisms for each situation, balancing the need for correctness with performance considerations.

As you develop concurrent systems for robotics, remember that the goal is not just to make things run in parallel, but to create a harmonious system where multiple processes work together seamlessly. With careful design and the powerful tools provided by modern C++, you can create robotic systems that are not only fast and responsive, but also robust and maintainable.

The field of robotics continues to push the boundaries of what's possible with concurrent systems. As you explore and experiment, you'll undoubtedly discover new patterns and techniques for managing concurrency in your specific robotic applications. Embrace this journey of discovery, for it is through tackling these complex challenges that we advance the field of robotics and create the intelligent, responsive machines of the future.


Federico Sarrocco

Federico Sarrocco

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